What is an Affidavit of Service?
Why is an affidavit of service vital to your pending legal case?
An Affidavit of Service is an important document provided by process servers after they have successfully served documents to someone that provides proof of service. The affidavit is a notarized declaration signed by the server that states the time, date, manner of service, identity of the person served, and other details of the job completed. The Affidavit of Service can be presented to prove that proper notification of the pending legal action has been made to the party involved in the case, if the stated otherwise.
The affidavit can be used to prove due diligence, even if the process server was unable to serve the evasive person and exuded all attempts. The affidavit of due diligence proves that attempts have been made to notify the persons involved in the pending legal proceedings and allows the server to prove that a number of attempts have been made with accurate reasons.
We Serve Law provides a proof of service designed for our clients. Once proof of service is provided to the client, it is their responsibility to file the affidavit with the local court to confirm service of process.
Please contact We Serve Law for your service of process requests and court filing requirements, nationwide at info@weservelaw.com or call us at 800-637-1805 for assistance.